Return to Wholeness
The Art of Healing

Wholeness is a state of harmony where the body is strong and responsive, the mind is clear, and the spirit is vibrant and full of joy. It is a feeling of aliveness - the way we were meant to be!

Are you looking for authentic healing that gets to the core of the issue and truly makes a profound difference in your life? 

Our specialized, compassionate care will help you recover your own wholeness - eliminating pain, restoring function, and revitalizing your zest for life!

Are personal challenges keeping you from living your best life? Physical, emotional or even a combination of many factors? We can help ...

Chronic and Acute Pain
  • Back and neck pain
  • Disc problems
  • Joint pain and stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Sciatica
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain after an accident
  • Painful scars
  • Sports injuries
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Post-surgical recovery
Medical Conditions
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Scoliosis
  • TMJ (jaw pain and stiffness)
  • Neurological problems
  • Auto-immune disorders
  • Developmental disorders
  • Digestive issues
  • Cancer pain and dysfunction
  • Women's health issues
  • Lyme Disease
Emotional Challenges
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • PTSD and Trauma
  • Processing difficult emotions
  • Feeling disconnected from yourself or others
  • Stress related pain
  • Challenging relationships
  • Life transitions
  • Feeling "stuck" - difficulty achieving goals or moving forward

Our Wholistic, Mind-Body Approach to Physical and Emotional Wellness:

Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial Release is a safe, gentle and extremely effective hands-on therapy which uses specialized stretching, compression, and cranial techniques to eliminate pain, restore movement and function, and relieve both physical and emotional stress. Even problems that have been present for decades can be effectively addressed.

Myofascial release is more than just pain relief - it touches people deeply and helps them get in touch with the essence of who they are at their core. Developed by physical therapist John F. Barnes over 40 years ago, it has helped millions of people around the world eliminate pain, restore function, and increase joy and vitality.
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Somatic Life Coaching

Somatic life coaching is a powerful mind-body based healing art which, like myofascial release, touches the core of who we are and transforms us at a very deep level. It helps release the old, unconscious patterns and unhealthy belief systems that keep us stuck and hold us back emotionally, physically, professionally, and spiritually. 

And when we release those old blockages, we free up all the energy that was stuck and wasted. We can then take that energy and redirect it towards what we really want, making space in our lives to create more satisfaction, joy and vitality than we ever thought possible.

Somatic life coaching can be done on its own or in conjunction with myofascial release therapy. Combination packages can be created to suit your individual needs and therapeutic goals.

The Therapeutic Combination: Why Is It So Effective?

  • The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Myofascial Release and Somatic Life Coaching work together synergistically to create rapid transformation and healing. Both are powerful approaches on their own and can be done separately. They can also be combined in unique ways to support each individual's needs.
  • Coaching helps set the stage for effective Myofascial Release by teaching you how to really feel into your body and connect to its wisdom. This builds "body intelligence" and self-awareness which are essential for authentic healing, greatly accelerating your progress with Myofascial Release.
  • Myofascial Release accesses tension and trauma held deep in the body on a physical, non-verbal level and supports emotional work in a way that talk therapy alone cannot access. 
  • You are more empowered when you are not dependent on just one approach. Sometimes people can get stuck in just one type of therapy, spending many years and large sums of money to achieve slow progress. Our combination approach gives you a multi-faceted set of tools and experiences so you can create a healing path that really works for you.
myofascial release tampa

Meet the Therapist

Elena works closely with you to address your individual needs and therapeutic goals - helping you become happier, healthier, and pain-free. She uses a unique blend of hands-on therapy and mind-body life coaching to facilitate deep transformation, helping you create the life you want!

Her approach is gentle and respectful of your unique healing process. She believes true healing is accessible to everyone, and she dedicates her work to helping people overcome even the most difficult challenges.
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Check out our recommended books, videos and original articles and interviews in the Resources section! Today's featured article is ...

Fibromyalgia? Fear not! Myofascial release can help

"MFR is by far the most effective treatment I have found to unstick the fascia and reduce fibromyalgia pain" ~ Ginerva Liptan, MD

Have More Questions?

I am passionate about the work I do and am committed to educating and empowering my clients! I look forward to assisting you on your healing journey and helping you discover whatever it is you most want and need to learn, experience or shift in order to really heal.

I invite you to explore my website in detail, including the Resources and FAQ sections. You are always welcome to email me if you have additional questions - however, please note that due to a heavily booked schedule, it might take a few days or more for me to get back to you.

If you're ready to get started, simply request to book a low-cost introductory session for new clients, which are available for both myofascial release and coaching. I wish you all the best on your healing journey, and I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Contact Us

No matter where in the world you happen to be, somatic coaching sessions are easily available via zoom!

 SCHEDULING UPDATE - I am now accepting new clients at my Silver Spring office for the fall and winter. I am NOT accepting new clients for myofascial release in the Tampa area at this time.

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